Earth Day, All Day, Every Day
With Earth Day just around the corner we are reminded yet again of the importance of dedicating, celebrating and honoring the one earth we have.
The mission of Earth Day – promoting the fierce protection and strategic regeneration of our planet – is foundational to who we are as a collective. Yes, we’re artists, businesswomen, sustainability leaders, and practitioners - but beyond what we do - Earth Day speaks to the very core of who we are: protectors and stewardesses of the land we inhabit. Our most enduring passion is to curate awe inspiring, nature-centric experiences that demonstrate earth’s restorative power within our bodies and our relationships.
We take joy in striking the match of inspiration in each of our guests’ lives that has the power to burgeon into a lifestyle marked by decided intentionality. It’s our delight to advance sustainable innovation within the outdoor experience design space.
How to Do Your Part: Earth day, all day, every day
Earth Day, at its heart, is an act of defiance. It’s an invitation into a lifestyle of contentment and activism amid a culture obsessed with addition and indifferent toward preservation. In celebrating this day, we declare that what we have is plenty, and what we don’t, cannot complete us.
We identify as contributors over consumers, and we resist the tug of apathy as we reactivate our commitment to doing what we can, where we are, with what we have. Alone, our efforts may seem trivial, but together we have the power to influence culture and spark environmental revival.
Earth Day is a reminder we CAN do simple things, every day, to support and protect the land, its resources and its beauty:
Say NO to things you don’t need
Eliminate single use items
Shop consignment or second hand
Carpool, walk, train, ride your bike
Preserve water - fix the leaky faucets & turn the water off while brushing your teeth.
Conserving electricity - if no one is home, turn em off!
Recycle, repurpose, reuse
How to Get Involved
Change begins locally! Check out the following esteemed environmental activist communities to discover how you can make an impact in your region (or to find your next road trip destination! Joshua Tree, anyone?)
Here are three organizations we love to support:
Facelift operates coast to coast and beyond, rallying communities to connect over a common passion for stewarding their neighborhoods well. The Facelift tribe originated in Yosemite where Ken Yager fell in love with rock climbing. As quickly as he developed his climbing addiction, he also discovered the park’s need for what he called a “facelift.” As one of the most heavily trafficked parks in the nation, Yosemite was riddled with trash at the time (or as the story goes, used toilet paper…).
Over 20 years later, Yager and the Facelift community operate worldwide, gathering monthly to give back to the earth that so greatly blesses us! Upcoming Facelift gatherings include Joshua Tree, Mojave Desert, West Virginia, and more! Check out their website to see when registration goes live for programs in your area.
Before / After | Keep Nature Wild Community Clean Up
Keep Nature Wild
Keep Nature Wild represents thousands of nature lovers and activists throughout the nation. KNW is closing in on their 5-year mission to collect 1 million pounds of waste from the wild by this Earth Day! In partnership with AllTrails, KNW has curated over 100 community hikes throughout the nation, centered on collecting waste and reaching above and beyond their 1 million pound goal. Search KNW’s trail list and discover a community hike near you. Want to get involved? Find a clean up near you!
Wildcoast works internationally to establish and maintain conservation of many of our planet’s most critically important coastlines and marine ecosystems. Each project has a measurable impact, from restoring blue carbon ecosystems that mitigate climate change to spearheading overfishing prevention efforts. Explore the numerous ways you can join the army of Wildcoast activists in their mission to preserve wild and thriving coastlines.
May this day and all that it commemorates further strengthen your resolve to live with intention and activism in all that you do. As you reflect on the many ways that earth blesses you, we encourage you to engage curiously with your community and encourage activism and change within your jobs and social circles.
The key to environmental impact is to never underestimate the power of small, intentional habits.
What investment could you make that the earth would thank you for?
What small yet powerful habits can you resolve to develop?
What project have you been putting off that will conserve the environment?
MINT COLLECTIVE exists to inspire a new way to work, live and gather through the awe of nature and power of human connection. Our hope is that with each group we’re honored to host, participants return to their homes and workplaces with a renewed sense of environmental empowerment. As keepers of the land, it’s our responsibility to pioneer solutions. We do so by partnering with sustainable brands whenever possible, sourcing reusable and mindfully-made products, and adhering to Leave No Trace practices, to name a few.
We salute you today, earth, but also everyday. We honor you for all you give us, and we dedicate ourselves to preserving you to the best of our abilities.
If you are interested in learning more about incorporating sustainable practices into your events and group experiences don’t hesitate to reach out, we proudly work with groups, brands and companies to further infuse the idea of conservation and stewardship in all our programming.
Happy Earth Day from MINT COLLECTIVE!