Wellness in the Workplace

Prioritizing wellness in the workplace cultivates a healthy work environment that allows for employees and companies alike to excel. Workspaces should be built on a foundation that reflects employee well-being and awareness of wellness in the office. By focusing on the self-care and holistic practices of employee wellness, it allows for them to stay balanced in their lives and leads to a more productive day at work. 

With many employees spending about one-third of their day at work, they need to see that their company cares about them on a personal level beyond their job, in order for them to fully succeed. From management to employees, collective teams should be encouraged to learn and adapt to the needs of their team to effectively empower each other. Creating a space and time to destress, increases flexibility in the day and furthers retention while working. Not only does focusing on wellness positively impact employees mental well-being, but also their job performance. 

At Mint, while our goal is to connect teams, we also offer workshops that benefit employees on an individual level as well. Our wellness workshops look at sharing healthy habits that one could incorporate into their daily schedule to practice wellness in their lives. From Wellness 101, Self-Care Spa Night, Yoga, to Sound Healing, and Eating for Energy, these workshops all approach your wellness in their own ways. Whether it is finding ways to manage stress, how to take the time to unwind, yoga routines, allowing different sound wave vibrations to heal your energy, or the nourishment in food, we can help your team find the best workshop for you. With any workshop in mind, we focus on empowering teams, hoping to positively impact employee engagement and performance. 

Our workshops can be held in-person, hybrid style, or virtually to best accommodate your team, as we understand the definition of the work office is no longer the same. These wellness workshops allow for co-workers to connect and bond, while taking away lessons they can use individually as well. 

As we head into the future, it is important that we continue to look out for our teams and focus on their wellbeing. Connecting and having a sense of belonging are powerful tools in our world, that benefit companies, but also the human within the employee. Wellness encompasses a range of habits in our daily lives, and we are passionate about sharing what we know to help others.

We look forward to connecting your team and sharing ways that they can stay balanced in their lives and in work! 

Jayme Sanders